Protecting Our Taonga - The Future of Our Archives


Council holds an extensive archival collection and nationally recognised maps collection. These records are of significant cultural, historical and evidential importance.

Council's physical records and archives are currently stored at the former Wairoa Fire Station. This facility requires significant upgrade work to ensure it provides safe and compliant storage for archival records. A service delivery review confirmed the current situation does not meet Public Records Act 2005 requirements for preservation and safeguarding against potential harm, nor does it provide and appropriate venue for supervised public access and research purposes. A key requirement for Council records and Council Archives is that they are easily accessible to the public.

We would like to understand whether the community wishes to retain the facility in Wairoa or move responsibility for delivery to an outside facility. Detailed analysis and costing on the preferred option will be required before moving forward. In the meantime, Council would temporarily house the archives at Archives Central in Fielding for 2-3 years.

Option 1 - Keep the archives in Wairoa - Preferred Option

There are multiple options around how we can retain Wairoa’s archives locally. Suggestions are:

  • Modify and upgrade the existing archives storage building
  • Build a purpose-built facility
  • Build an extension to the library for the archives
  • Partner with the Wairoa Museum
  • Detailed plans and costings on these options will be developed and brought to the community for consultation. This information will include the size and scope of any building and running costs such as an archivist and support staff.

    Cost: A detailed plan and costing options will be developed and brought to the community for consultation

    Option 2 - Move archives out of district

    A detailed plan and costs associated with transferring our archives to an external facility e.g. Archives Central, National Library will be developed and brought back to the community for consultation.

    The plan would include considerations regarding accessibility, implementation costs, and ongoing service charges to the external facility.

    We need to be mindful that once the archives leave the Wairoa district, our taonga will be stored away from home and access will be limited and likely reduced to only being able to view electronic copies.

    Cost: A detailed plan and costs associated with transferring out of Wairoa will be developed and brought to the community for consultation.