Public consultation on our Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy is open April 29 to July 26

The Building Act 2004 requires every territorial authority to have a policy to manage dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings. The Policy outlines the process for identifying buildings that pose a public safety or Health risk and what actions are required to mitigate the risk they pose to public Health and safety.

We are required to review our policy at least every five years and consult on any changes. We’ve proposed a minor change to our policy which we need to gather feedback on. The proposed changes are minor editorial improvements that have been made in the draft policy

You can find more Information in our:

  • Dangerous, Affected and Instanitary Buildings Policy Statement of Proposal
  • Draft WDC Dangerous Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy

If you need more infomation contact our Group Manager Planning and Regulatory on 06 838 7309 or email

Give us your feedback

Use the online submission form below, or find print copies at Council offices and the Wairoa District Council.